Who’s responsible

By gemit

 10 yr. old home. I’m here 4 yrs. My question is about cleaning the air ducts, cause for all I know they haven’t been cleaned for 4 years and probably not for 10 .

Sometime after I started living here I was diagnosed as having allergies and this summer they have been almost debilitating. The lease says Owner will keep HVAC systems in proper working condition. If the air is coming out toxic due to dirty ducts I’d think they would be responsible, for it doesn’t seem quite proper to allow someone to breath toxic air… but ducts, like most of the allergens are not visible to me.

There are no visible signs of mold, dust mites or pet dander and I’ve become vigilant at doing what I can: I’ve washed, vacuumed, shampooed, dehumidified, purified, bathed my dog, emptied out my closets, washed all bedding, opened up the A/C cleaned the coils and water drain, changed the filter from a washable to a Filtrete Ultra Allergen, and still I’m coughing and wheezing all day.

 Can I tell the landlord that they are repsonsible for the unit responsible for my indoor air and it needs to be properly maintained to be in proper working order, or do I have it done myself, or do I pay to get the house tested for allergens (the latter 2 are painful [$$$] because I lost my job)


Edited on: Sunday, May 29th, 2011 11:44 pm

One Response to “Who’s responsible”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 30th, 2011 6:55 am

Hey Gemit,
I know what you are feeling right now because I too am allergic to dust. The feeling of sneezing and coughing every time the dust tease your nose uh!! will succumb you!
Well,Generally keeping heating/ventilation in good condition is the landlord’s responsibility. Besides he is required to keep the premises in a livable (healthy) state. It’s a good idea that you take time to address your concerns to your LL since it’s already affecting your health. I hope you that your landlord will find favor in you.. :)


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