fight a 60 day eviction notice

By Sam

I have had several issues with my landlord,  roach infestation she expected us to fight with glue traps ( we hired an exterminator to spray our unit monthly. out of our pocket, no reimbursement) months to fix a hole due to water damage From the leaking pipes of the shower.  No/ poor Installation is causing mold to grow on (in?) the walls and carpets,  when it rains the carpets get soaked.  Our neighbor is violent and has been in physical altercations with other neighbor, verbally with me. And recently we have no hot water, it’s usually luke warm or just cold.  Our landlord does nothing.  In December she accused us of not paying the rent and having several unauthorized people living in our unit and gave us a three day notice.  Her bookkeeper discovered it was actually another unit that had not paid and some of the other neighbors vouched for us that only we lived here.  So we were allowed to stay.  Now (by accident) we paid the last two months of rent short $100.  We paid the next month rent on the 24th (also short $100) on the 25th we got a notice that the rent for three months was short for for a total $300 (the next month paid a week early) and given 60 day notice.  Is there anything we can do?  My son has autism and my mother is scheduled for knee surgery in less than three weeks and will be recovering here.

Edited on: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013 12:12 am

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