landlord caught going threw my mailbox

By Tank12

I have a  question about legal issues with my landlord,  I was at work and my son was home severely sick and my landlord stopped over to pick up my rent check . Unfortunately my son fell asleep due to severe flu and doesnt hear a thing when hes sleeping , so landlord wrang bell and knocked on my door for 3 hours and kept opening my door walking in my house and yelling up the steps also he opened my mailbox took my mail out and went threw it ! How I know all this is because I have home video caneras . On top of all this going on im at work and hes texting me like craxy saying I better answer my phone or text him back asap or im being evicted ? I am a manager of a very busy restaurant and when I am at work my phone is in purse locked up , isnt that harassment?   Could some one please help me with this issue any advice would be great! 

Edited on: Sunday, January 19th, 2014 6:57 am

One Response to “landlord caught going threw my mailbox”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


July 11th, 2014 5:56 pm

It is a federal offense to tamper with someone elses mail so you can report him to the police for that. But is is hard to prove. Did the home camera record?
Regarding the texting etc. is there any way to file a complaint with the owner of the building?


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