Landlord refuses to fix anything

By Amanda

I moved into a house in a pinch and shortly before I was set to move in, I discovered that the house had been abandoned for a month, and there was garbage and old food everywhere. I helped my landlord clean out the house, with the help of my boyfriend, and it was barely liveable when I moved in almost 2 weeks late. Since then, he has not made ANY repairs or offered to reduce the rent. I have a dorm room refridgerator and a gas stove that only works half of the time. I have over $350 in past due water bills because he refused to replace the toilet that wouldnt stop running. I finally bought one and sent him the receipt. There are no screens or locks on any of the windows so anyone could come in if i didn’t have my dogs, and there are no  functioning air conditioning units. There are bare wires hanging from the ceiling in the laundry room, and a giant hole in the garage door that isnt even functional. I was told that would be replaced by winter so that my car could go in the garage. The electrical system has never  been updated and it still has those old fuses that you cant buy anymore. One of the only two outlets upstairs melted my phone charger thus being the cause of the fuses blowing. I was told just not to plug too many things into it and it wouldnt blow the fuse, so he was aware of the issue and just doesnt want to pay for it. The floor underneath the carpet bowed up and the carpet had to be torn out to reveal mold. He has been well aware of these issues and is now trying to evict me because i withheld a months worth of rent because he will not replace anything or renegotiate the rental agreement. I dont mind fixing things, but not for what hes asking for the house. I have 10 days to move my daughter and I, but I wasnt the house to be condemned abd him to have to update it before someone else is forced to live here. What should I do?

Edited on: Saturday, January 11th, 2014 1:32 pm

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