No Exit in basement

By Jim

I moved into a basement about 2 months ago, the lady was nice and cordigal, she stated she was going to have a entrance and exit built so I would have access without going thru the garage and thru her house,  then she lost her job or forced retirement and since has been losing it, she now locks the door from her side and I have to go thru a window in my basement,  she is now refusing me access to the washer and dryer upstairs.  I was coming thru the window the other nite and fell on her makeshift step stool into my bedroom and hit my dresser ended up with a concussion.  I spoke to her today and she pretty much said this is my house not your mother’s.  my rent is paid up and I really like the basement I basically don’t like the owner.  really don’t have money to move right now but don’t want to be climbing in amd out of the window either.

I am on a years lease and I rent the basement and another lady rents a room upstairs in this nice single family home.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edited on: Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 2:03 pm

One Response to “No Exit in basement”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 22nd, 2012 10:25 pm

Part of the rent is that your place should be safe (and it is not since you already got a concussion) and the entrance or exit should be free of any blockage. If she refuses to abide to this standard of safe living, you could file a complaint about her.


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