Should I report my landlord?

By trevor

I’m having a problem with my landlord and not sure if I should use the report landlord option or if I should use the file complaint option.  What is the difference between the two?  Is one better than the other?  From what I can tell if I report my landlord it will just report the landlord to the RPA but it won’t help me to solve the problem.

Can someone confirm if that is what the difference is?  I just want to get help solving my rent problem.  My landlord has been charging me for my neighbors power bill without telling me.  I’ve been paying it for over a year now.  I hope to get my landlord to refund the amounts I’ve paid.
Should I file a complaint on my landlord for that?

Edited on: Thursday, March 27th, 2014 3:46 am

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