Signed a lease and paid deposit but never moved in ?

By Cleo

Hi I really need some help im 18 & at the end of december I signed a lease on a place & paid a deposit. I was due to move in at the beginning of jan but when i went to move in the tv wouldnt work & i would have been there with no tv & nothing to do so I didnt move in & told the landlord. He said he would contact a tv repair man & to sort a day for him to fix it. Theman rang the next day & I live an hour away so I said id be there 4 days later but he said he couldnt fix it then & it could be a couple of weeks. The rent was due & I told the landlord Id pay it when the tv was fixed but he got thick & said the rent is due & organising a day for the tv man to come was my problem & if i didnt want to move in he would find someone else because there is plenty that want it. So a few days later I told him I wouldnt be able to afford the apartment because the work i was supposed to start didnt start & I didnt move in but i cleaned it all (which I did cause it needed it) . I was wondering am i entitled to my deposit back? I really need the money too

Edited on: Saturday, January 19th, 2013 1:59 pm

One Response to “Signed a lease and paid deposit but never moved in ?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


January 29th, 2013 1:22 am

You signed the lease in December so that means it’s been a month that the landlord has kept the place for you. Usually, there is a 72-hour waiting period wherein you or your landlord may decide to cancel the lease without any fees but you’re way past that by now. If you’ve already talked to your landlord and explained your situation but to no avail, then you can seek legal advice. You may file a complaint against the landlord and RPA has that option. The purpose is to let you off the lease and possibly, get some of your money back – but do not expect to get the whole amount. Sometimes, you may not even get anything back but at least you’ll be off the lease and you will no longer be obliged to pay rent for the succeeding months.


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