What can I do?

By Steph

I received a breach of lease notice due to excessive noise and want to dispute it, however the management company informed that I could not and that it would not be taken out of our file. We did received a prior breach of lease notice about the same thing that was valid, however the quiet hours listed on the notice were from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. As such, we have been making it a point to keep it down during those hours. When we received the second notice, the quiet hours were listed as 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. My boyfriend called the management company was informed that the complaint was made because we were supposedly playing with the dog after 10 p.m. However, the dog goes outside one last time at 10 p.m. (even when we thought quiet hours were at 8 p.m.) and then he goes in the crate for the rest of the night. This notice also came with a $25.00 fine. I called the management company today to discuss a way to refute the complaint and was informed that there was no way to dispute the allegations and that we had to pay the fine or else they would take on more charges. Can I do anything about this? 

Edited on: Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 1:55 pm

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What can I do?

By Steph

I received a breach of lease notice due to excessive noise and want to dispute it, however the management company informed that I could not and that it would not be taken out of our file. We did received a prior breach of lease notice about the same thing that was valid, however the quiet hours listed on the notice were from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. As such, we have been making it a point to keep it down during those hours. When we received the second notice, the quiet hours were listed as 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. My boyfriend called the management company was informed that the complaint was made because we were supposedly playing with the dog after 10 p.m. However, the dog goes outside one last time at 10 p.m. (even when we thought quiet hours were at 8 p.m.) and then he goes in the crate for the rest of the night. This notice also came with a $25.00 fine. I called the management company today to discuss a way to refute the complaint and was informed that there was no way to dispute the allegations and that we had to pay the fine or else they would take on more charges. Can I do anything about this? 

Edited on: Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 1:54 pm

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What can I do

By Adam

Since the date one moved into the apartment, the molts were flying outside into bathroom, I was complaint to the landloard, the guy was so rude and said because i took hot shower made the bathroom temperature so high, therefore make them has change to breed. Later i bought some spray to kill them, only last a little while, and everytime i open the window and they just flying in…is so annoying…

and now i email manager and he said he will find someone to look again.

My lease until at march, but i have to interest to live here anymore. What can I do????

Edited on: Sunday, December 15th, 2013 3:09 am

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Hello.  I have a lease for an apartment in Proctor MN, which includes heat.  The landlord insists he is required to turn on the heat October 15 through April 15.  I have read in various areas if the landlord heats the rented space it is required to be a minimum temperature.  Which is correct?  It is currently 58 degrees in my apartment October 4, 2013.
I spoke with the building manager last week when the temperature began to drop.  I asked her to have the heat turned on. She told me that the landlord will not turn it on yet…she went on to say I should get a space heater.  I pay my electric and do not want it to climb any higher than it is now. 
Please help.  I will appreciate any knowledge on laws which protect me if this is the case.
Thank you
Proctor, MN


Edited on: Friday, October 4th, 2013 9:04 pm

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What can I do!!!!!!!!!!

By daniel

There is a security guard working at my girlfriends building, claiming to work for a security company that he does not, making sexual advances to my girlfriend and many other females that live in the building. The company he claims to work for stated that he was fired for getting a UNDER AGED girl PREGNANT. He has made threats to other females in front of me. It is a problem for my girlfriend because I have been unjustly bared from the building. An now that she contested this action to the bored of directors, she fears she is in danger of losing her apartment because of the relationship between the guard in question, and the head of building management. Please Help!!!!  

Edited on: Friday, July 26th, 2013 9:48 am

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what can i do????

By knoxvilletnguy

I paid my rent late this past month. My rental agreement states that the late fee is no more than 10% of the rent due. my rent is 475 a month and my landlord charged me 570 which is 20 percent. does this break our lease agreement? and if so can i move out asap?

Edited on: Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 9:23 pm

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July 1st, 2013 7:26 pm

If it was written in your lease that your landlord can only charge you late fees that is 10% of the actual monthly rent. If your landlord charge more than 10% then clearly it is a breach of your lease agreement and you can file a complaint against your landlord. You can either file your complaint through the RPA or through your local county. It is cheaper though if you file your complaint with the RPA. If you wish to terminate your lease early, you may have to check your lease first and see to it that it allows you to do so and that there are no early lease termination fees to be paid. If your lease allows you to terminate early then you need to serve your landlord with a 30-days or 60-days written notice to vacate the rental unit depending on what your state laws says.

What can I do?

By Amy

Hi there, I live in Emmitsburg,MD and I am wondering what my renters rights are in the county of Frederick regarding a noise Ordinance. We recently moved in 2 months ago knowingly that there was a commercial space on the front of the house. Although we had a gentlemen’s agreement that the office space was going to be a 9-5 business, we did not put anything about the hours of operation for this space in our lease. We are not far from route 15 and we have traffic noise as it is, plus there is a trucking company next to us that makes noise at all hours of the night, trucks coming and going, that we have been dealing with. However last week the trucking company has signed a year lease with our landlord to rent the front space of the house. First it was just the front door slamming that would shake the whole house and is directly below our bedroom and would wake us up at night.Our landlord had it fixed and it is less of a problem(although we still hear and feel it). Now that they are settled and conducting business the noise is constant. When it started my husband very nicely explained the disturbances to them and they were very nice about it. They told us that they would write a note to keep the noise level down between the hours of 7pm and 7am, AND they stated that they were not there past midnight and opened back up at 5am. This was a blantant LIE!!! They have kept us up til 2 or 3 in the morning with talking, laughing and carrying on with each other. My husband was very nice again when he went to speak with them and the office manager was very rude! Gave him looks of death an said," We are trying to run a business here!!!" At that point my husband stopped himself from smacking the bitch up(which I’m very proud of him for) and he called the landlord for the second complaint. Our landlord proposed that we MOVE our room to the smaller room on the back side of the house-YEAH OUR BED WILL NOT FIT IN THAT ROOM!!!! Why should we have to move our lives around to accomadate an obvious 24 hour business when we are tenants and were here first?!? We feel we have compromised enough on the noise and this is just to the point of ridiculousness!!! We have barely gotten sleep in the past week as when we think the noise is over we are just woken up again and again!!! There has to be some renters rights protecting tenants from this, we deserve to have peaceful nights rest!!!! Oh and it has just come to my attention that this property is not zoned as residental??!?! Which may work against us…. I tried to get a recycling bin through Frederick county and was told I could not, due to the zoning as a commericial space. Our landlord said he would not change the zoning, offered his recycling bin down the road, which is another inconvienence, and I have not addressed this issue again. Our landlord is a very nice old man and we do not want to cause problems for him, however we are at a loss as what to do on this matter. We deserve to get rest in our own home that we pay good money for!!!! We are at the breaking point and thinking of how we can break our lease, move, and sue for moving costs and rent greivances. I want to do this right however so that we do not get encounter liability for these extra costs. Oh and at 3 am this morning hearing this lady laugh and talk loud I was ready to go up there and shut her mouth for her!! Please help so I do not do anything stupid and take these matters into my own fists! Thanks, Amy

Edited on: Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 12:22 pm

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March 7th, 2013 1:25 am

The next logical step would be is to file a complaint with mediation agencies like the RPA. Filing a complaint through agencies like the RPA would help you get the resolution you need. The process would involve you requesting resolution to your concern. Your landlord is requested and required to respond to the complaint.

What can I do!!!!

By Prisilla

I own a trailer but rent a lot in a trailer park.  For years the roads have been a mess.  Cars are being torn up, kids have broken bones in the pot holes, pizza delivary men have refused to delivery b/c they have damaged their cars delivering here and its just an all around hazard.  They have filled the holes with gravel to try and patch up the road but it only makes it worse, thats how bad the pot holes are.  I have put out a petition to other tenants to sign stating that we want the roads properly fixed by the end of the summer or we will begin legally with holding rent.  I have read there are accounts for situations like these where you pay you rent to the account not you land lord until the problems solved.  My land lords have retaliated by posting a letter saying if we want the roads fixed thats fine but they want to raise our rent by $210.00 to do so or there is nothing they can do.  In the past several years they have raised the rent saying it was to fix the roads and have failed to do so. Can they do this and what more can I do to get our roads fixed. 

Edited on: Thursday, May 20th, 2010 1:25 pm

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May 29th, 2010 11:04 pm

You might be on the right path.  But you will want to consult with an attorney first.  It could be possible that the landlord may attempt to evict you for causing problems. 

Just be careful!

Have you looked at contacting a pavement company to get a quote on the project?  You might be able to find a lower cost solution, then get people to sign a petetion stating that they are willing to pay an extra $10 per month for 1 year to cover the cost of the project.  There are lots of ways to accomplish this.  I think you’ll have better success without using threats against management.


May 29th, 2010 11:06 pm

By the way the account you refer to is called an escrow account.  You can talk to the attorney about this option as they will know specific laws concerning with holding rent.  In most cases you can with hold rent but only if it is done exactly as laid out by your local laws.


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