Whom do I pay rent if Apartment owners death in between rent period..

By verito

I need help which would sound strange or something quite different. I rented a 2 room apartment from landlord and he was 65, just passed away in previous month.. our sympathy with him..He has 2 child: One is 25 years old daughter and second is 30 years old son. Now our main concern and problem is in contract we did not mentioned in written that on his death to whom do I pay the rent. From our seeing and daily life experience he was not having any good relation with his son, many of time,  we heard son shouting on him or bad behaviour with his father when he comes to collect the rent with his son, and daughter mainly due to her project assignements and work remains in other state, Louisiana.  Now we are in dilemma, should we pay to son or call up daughter because we like this room and also my work and my childrens school are nearby to this home. By the way we live in Wyoming.

Any suggestion or help will be much appreciated. Thank you

Edited on: Thursday, November 22nd, 2012 3:47 pm

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