bugs in apartment

By chester

              I have 2 friends that rented an apartment without bed bugs. Now they and the entire building has them. The first time the managers/owner had the first 4 apartments sprayed, 3 were effective and one wasn’t because they didn’t do all the guidelines they were asked to do. The second time they did the 4 apartments..the apartment that was not effective visited the other 3 apartments and gave them bed bugs again. The next time the same apartments were given guidelines and the same apartment failed again. Now the owner is attempting charge all infested apartments to the tenant. He said the first time it will be apprx. $180.00 and then it will be apprx. $60.00 per week for 5 weeks. The managers stated they will either add it on to their rent, take it out of their deposit or sue them. My question is 4 new tenants moved into  the 4 recently modeled apartments and each of them asked if they had bugs. The managers told then no. 3 of the 4 new apartments have either bed bugs or cockroaches or both. Can they sue the manager for lying to them? Do the other tenants have to pay for the pest control service? I rented an apartment in that building for a little over 2 years from 2009-2011 and no one had any bugs. I’m glad I moved out. I hope you can help me out. Thank you

Edited on: Saturday, August 10th, 2013 6:32 am

One Response to “bugs in apartment”

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August 13th, 2013 8:25 pm

I know what your friends are going through right now. It really is very frustrating to deal with bed bugs. As what I believe it is the landlord’s responsibility to pay for the bed bug treatment especially since your friends did not bring the bed bugs in the rental unit. And since the landlord is not paying for the treatment then the best thing they could do is to file a complaint against the landlord. Here is the link to the RPA’s complaint center http://www.rentalprotectionagency.com/complaint_center.php?id=51dd308610038 They can help your friends best with regards to this bed bug problem. Goodluck!


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