Pro rate rent

By UniquelyMade

My landlord does not seem interested in keeping her property up kept.  In July 2010, she released me from my 12 month lease because she felt I was not happy here.  I explained to her that I was happy here, but that her property needed attention.  I told her I would give her a written notice of when I was going to move.  I found a place and I have given her a month and a half notice.  She stated that she has no problem giving me my deposit back.  I informed her in my letter that I would pay her for 14 days that I will be living in her house and on the 15th day, she and I would do a walk through and then she refund my deposit.  She usually come and pick the rent up, something that she stated she would do.  I wrote a check dated September 1 in the amount for the 14 days.  It seems that she is avoiding me.  Her husband told me that I could not live anywhere free.  I told him I didn’t think it was legally right for me to pay for days that I will not be living in their house.  Am I correct

Edited on: Friday, March 15th, 2013 6:21 pm

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