fell asleep waiting on a repair man

By Robert

I work nights and I generally go to bed by 2pm at the latest. My AC went out and the handy man my landlord uses doesn’t get off work till 5pm so he can’t do any repairs till after that. I called him during the week and he explained about his job and I said how I can’t really do that time so how about the weekend? He said that’s fine he’ll be by after lunch on saturday. I waited on him saturday but fell asleep, he arrived at my house at 4:15pm (which isn’t after lunch to me) I still have his voicemail asking me to come to the door in which he says it’s 4:15. I slept through his knocks and now my landlord is charging me a 40 dollar fee for "being a no show" No where in my lease does it say I will be billed for repairs if I miss the repair man. I wouldn’t have agreed to the appointment if I had known it would have been after 4pm. I have been working 6 days a week so I had to go to work that night so I HAD to sleep.

Can my landlord charge me 40 dollars for falling asleep? After 4pm is like 1am to me.

Edited on: Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014 9:59 am

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