Problem with neighbor pounding, running children.


I have been renting my apartment for 7 years and over the year my neighbor above moved in with twin toddlers. All was well in the first 6 months then the pounding, running and throwing toys started. This was going on every day from the hours of 7am and 10 pm. I put up with it for several months then got the office involved. That did not work so I wrote them a letter and they came down to listen and they couldn’t believe how bad it was. They appoligized and everything has been great, untill recently. They are back to pounding and running, hours at a time. I have texted her and she feels that she is right and they have to right to enjoy there home and I agree but within a resonable accomendation. I don’t think it’s fair to me and my family who are quite and keep to ourselves, to have to sit in our home and have to listen to the excessive pounding just becuase she has children. My friends have been over and witnessed this and they couldn’t believe how bad it was. She says she is right in letting her childern run, pound and throw toys constantly. I know my rights and I know she is distrubing the peace. She is also moving in a month and has gotten worse. What can I do and what exactly are my rights as a tenant?

Edited on: Tuesday, March 29th, 2011 5:42 pm

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