Rental Property

By Crystal

I was renting a home for a friend. She cannot afford to live in the home now. She is not behind on the rent. I went to the landlord and asked about breaking the least he stated that i could but i have to pay for the month of April. Which she cannot stay there for that month she has to be gone April 1st. He also stated that i would loose my deposit, My question is by law can he do this. And what are the standards when breaking a lease. He states that if i dont do this and he takes me to court i will have to pay for the rest of the year being that i had a year lease. The rent has never been late. And another payment is not due in april which she will me moved by then. what can i do??

Edited on: Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011 6:14 am

One Response to “Rental Property”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


June 9th, 2011 9:10 am

Hi there! We need to have a valid reason for terminating the lease. You can give written notice to your landlord which has 14 days to remedy the breach if it will be acknowledge or not. If the landlord remedies the breach the tenancy will continue, but if not you can give 14 days notice of intention to vacate. Rent is payable to the date in the notice or the date you vacates whichever is later. Regarding the security deposit, always remember that you get all the money back if you DON’T damage the apartment. You also have the right to be in the inspection, Good luck! 😉


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