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Increasingly Poor Living Conditions

Heather Marie | Wednesday, July 8th, 2009 6:46 pm

We moved into our apartment in January. Have always paid our rent on time and are respectful neighbors to those around us. We have had number of minor issues up until recently that include doors coming off of their hinges, broken ventilation fan, loss of power to entire wall of outlets in kitchen, loss of […]

Landlord Cancelled Lease

FrustratedinMesquite | Wednesday, July 8th, 2009 12:39 am

My husband and I were approved by a reputable national relator to move into a home a few weeks ago. We had paid a pet deposit and paid a full months rent down as a deposit on the home. I have had utilites transferred and a day before we were to move in the realator […]

landlord wants more money

Newly Frustrated Renters | Wednesday, July 1st, 2009 12:22 pm

Hello.  My boyfriend and I just moved to a suburb of Milwaukee.  Since I have a large sum of student loan debt, and since my boyfriend’s credit is not so hot, we were asked to pay two and a half month’s rent plus a one hundred dollar security deposit for our cat at signing.  We […]

lot renter with grown childern who moved back in

shannon | Thursday, June 25th, 2009 1:06 pm

 My son and his wife moved in a 2 bedroom moble home with my wife and I.  We own the home but rent the lot.  We have lived here 6 mts before my son moved in. The land lord wants to charge us dubble rent for the lot becouse he says their is 2 familys living […]

Rent Drop Off Box Regulation

California Nonprofit Company | Monday, June 22nd, 2009 10:02 am

We currently have a third party that collects our rent. However this process projects the lead time for us to actually get the rent out about 10 days. By the time we process the rent and know which tenant did not pay on time or has not paid, we are already looking rolling into the […]

Help I’m trying to break a lease due to hardship!

Sarah S. | Friday, June 19th, 2009 8:18 pm

I have rented from Jasmine @ Sandy Springs Apartments for a year previously and have just moved back in in a single apartment for the past 4 months. I have never had a late payment or caused them any toruble. The only reason I am leaving is bacause my job has cut my hours significantly […]

Prop mngmnt comp. lost move-in walkthrough notes

JS | Wednesday, June 17th, 2009 7:05 pm

My roommates and I just recently moved out of a house we were renting. When we moved in, the house had just been vacated (literally the night before) by 8 fraternity boys, so you can imagine the kind of mess the place looked like. Nothing was ready for us upon move-in and nearly everything in the […]

Problem with security deposit

Leslie | Wednesday, June 10th, 2009 1:19 pm

I recently moved out of a rental. My security deposit was $1000. My rent was $1800 a month. The last month I only paid $850. There was a miscommunication on the security deposit. I was under the impression that the landlord was going to use the deposit towards the rest of the rent. She changed […]

NO Pre-Walk through 2 weeks before end of lease, Can I still go after damages?

admin | Wednesday, June 10th, 2009 7:46 am

I live out od State, and our tenants in CA asked to have a pre-walkthough. We were unable to come out 2 weeks prior. When we showed up for our FINAL walkthough on the last day of the lease, the house was a mess, and we noticed our wood floors had some damage to them. […]

Apartment leaks tons of water and carpet is wet and ruined. Landlord refused to fix leak and change carpet.

Ladybug | Thursday, June 4th, 2009 2:42 pm

The lady that babysits my 6 months old daughter is on disability and has section 8. Her ground level apartment leaks around the sliding glass doors which soaks the entire carpet in the living room. There is constantly an odor of mildew in the apartment and we both have expressed concerns of mold and how […]