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What can I do?

Steph | Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 1:54 pm

I received a breach of lease notice due to excessive noise and want to dispute it, however the management company informed that I could not and that it would not be taken out of our file. We did received a prior breach of lease notice about the same thing that was valid, however the quiet […]

New To Renting: What are my rights

HELPME1823 | Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 7:13 pm

We currently moved into an upstairs apartment with one of the landlords living downstairs, the other landlord is her sister but only handles picking up the rent. In our lease agreement we have stated that we can park both cars in the driveway on the right side. Since the second day we moved in, the […]


elmo | Saturday, September 27th, 2014 11:24 pm

I have asked my neighbors politely to stop running and jumping around they knock  Things off my walls have no respect I have told the landlord and no results I’m at  My Witt’s end please help.


JJ | Friday, September 19th, 2014 9:27 pm

 I am very confused now. I rent an apartment located on top of a business. There are 4 other apartments. The man who collects the rent (the landlord) is LEASING this propery and business from the property owner. I initally gave the landlord a letter of intent to withhold rent until repairs are made. I […]

Can my Landlord stop me from using my hose outside?

Sinead D | Thursday, September 18th, 2014 8:00 pm

My landlord says that i cant use the outside hose spigot, but it doesnt say that in the lease. I live in Tacoma Washington, in an apartment building, i do not pay for water

Security deposit & move-out inspection

Octavia | Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 5:56 pm

I rented a property from Feb 2013-Aug 2014.  My deposit and 1st mth rent was $1299 when IO moved in.  When I moved out, my move-out inspection was 8/27/14.  It went very well and was told that the only issue was the receipt to show that carpets were professionally cleaned.  I didn’t have a receipt […]

Unsanitary Living Conditions

| Saturday, September 13th, 2014 5:26 pm

I live in Skokie, Illinois and recently bedbugs started to invest my apartment. I informed my landlord’s on multiple occasions when it first started. They however decided not to do anything to correct the problem. I made an attempt to correct the problem myself that ended up being unsuccessful. My roommates and I also had […]

Deposit not returned.

Derek | Saturday, September 13th, 2014 12:29 pm

Hello, We are trying to help a 25 y/o get back on her feet. She is on social security at this time but is currently looking for a job. She has a college education so we feel its just a matter of time. She recieves $720 a month social security. We found he a 2br […]

Pet pee.

Marisol | Sunday, September 7th, 2014 4:52 am

 Our apartment provided bags for dog owners to clean up. However one dog owner has decided to let their dog pee on an area with woodchips in front of my bedroom window. There are no sprinklers in this area. I have placed potted plants to prevent this.  Now the landlord says that it is OK […]

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