Landlord Complaint Record: #22-9953

Trador Management INC/The Orchards    |    Gloria Anthony    |    Shreveport    ,    Louisiana 71101    Landlord Complaint 22-9953

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WARNING! This property/ landlord refused to mediate a fair resolution or respond to this
complaint. Landlord refused to cooperate.

Case Number : 22-9953 Filing Date : Jul 17, 2012
Investigating Agent : Kept Private Case Disposition : Force Required
Complaint Level : Code Landlord Response : Case Closed

Type Title / Link Posted By Date Uploaded Comments
upload Kept Private Renter Jul 17, 2012
Mold picture and i have video because the lighting would take a good picuture. Thanks

upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center Jul 18, 2012 The following attachment is a copy of the mailed complaint notice that was processed and sent out the Landlord/ Manager.

LANDLORD / MGR : Gloria Anthony RENTER : Kept Private
Property Name : Trador Management INC/The Orchards      
Address : 712 Milam St suite 201 Address : Kept Private
City, State - Zip : Shreveport, Louisiana - 71101. City, State - Zip : bossier, Louisiana - 71112.
Phone : Kept Private Phone : Kept Private

COMPLAINT : The mold issue was never resolved
Fair Resolution according to renter :
  1. 1.Take this 770.00 amount off of my credit report. 2. Stop giving bad references.3 Refund 300.00 deposit or half.
  2. Try to resolve this matter in the easiest way possible and as soon as possible

Address               :   4850 shed rd # 23
City, State - Zip   :   bossier, Louisiana - 71111.


The Landlord charge me for excessive fees and skipping out on the lease, i faxed the 30 day notice and hand deliveried the 30 day notice i spoke with Kevin Hudson November 1st who told me it was in my file and we discussed my credit. kevin tried to call sander Ventures where i was supposed to move, to help me but they said it was to late Deana holden had gave a bad refrence. Deanna Holden was in the office when i took the notice September 26, 2011. Kevin wasnt working their at that time, so when i moved i had no place to live because of the bad reference.The school informed me that a person in the office told school we no longer live at the Orchard Apt so i had to move my son to another school I have the letter from the school. Pictures and videos of the mold and that i have had so much contact with the office they could have told me at anytime that i couldnt not move an my 30 day notice wasnt accept. The office would normally call or clip it on ur door. Why would you charge me for something i did not cause or say i caused the mold. The complex has never had a problem with me personally, i hate this ended this way because now my credit is effected because of this i wish we could resolve this matter. If you can finded in your heart to help resolve this matter together i will do my best to resolve the matter as well. Credit is all you have sometime and i wish to have we could please come to a better solution and amount for the fees of the apartment. i dont understand how we went wrong. Please help thanks C.L

From Date IP Address Response

Agent Date Response
SYSTEM Mar 4, 2013 FORCE REQUIRED! After repeated attempts to resolve this complaint; management has FAILED to comply and requires force. The RPA has taken all reasonable efforts to contact the Landlord / Manager. They have REFUSED all request and will require FORCE. This case is closed with a negative disposition.

SYSTEM Jul 18, 2012 PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE: The landlord or manager have been provided with the following response deadline: July 24, 2012 This deadline provides a reasonable time frame of 3 days for delivery of written notice and 3 days to respond to case # 22-9953 as outlined in the mailed notice. THIS CASE IS PENDING RESPONSE FROM LANDLORD OR MANAGER.

SYSTEM Jul 18, 2012 MAIL CONFIRMATION: The complaint notice has been processed and is currently in route for 22-9953.

SYSTEM Jul 18, 2012 COMPLAINT NOTICE PRINTED: The complaint notice has been successfully transferred to the nearest mailing center and is pending mailing confirmation. For Landlord

SYSTEM Jul 18, 2012 AUTOMATIC EMAIL TO LANDLORD: The system has automatically emailed the landlord a digital complaint notice. Initial Email to Landlord has been sent.

SYSTEM Jul 18, 2012 EMAIL TO TENANT: The system has sent an email to the tenant. The email included a copy of the complaint as filed by the tenant.

SYSTEM Jul 18, 2012 Complaint Accepted by System

SYSTEM Jul 17, 2012 New image uploaded by Tenant.

SYSTEM Jul 17, 2012 Complaint 22-9953 has been filed.